Now, do you see why I don't believe in the Bible anymore? This is rediculous! I had the same question about a loving god that killed off animals that he created but let the humans live but then killed them off, too. Not logical, but neither is the Bible.
White Dove
JoinedPosts by White Dove
If death is the result of sin, why do animals die?
by Orgull inmy first week of posts here were very serious and all the wonderful, encouraging replies helped me very much.. so now i want to ask something semi-frivolous.
(actually it's one of the many things that don't make sense to me about "the truth").
why do animals die?.
overcompensating when leaving JWs?
by B_Deserter inever notice this phenomenon?
seems like a lot of people that leave in their early 20s tend to become wild party animals as soon as they leave da troof, getting tattoos, piercings and the like and going almost overboard with it.
anyone ever experience this?
White Dove
You know what I did once I was out? I realized that I had the freedom to see if certain things really were bad for me, so I fornicated three times with one person to see if I would regret it or not. Know what? I didn't and still don't. What I learned was that kind of behavior with a person I didn't even know or like is not for me. It made me really think about what is best for me ON MY TERMS. I decided that to continue such a practice would eventually make me feel cheap. Being slutty is not for me. I learned that. Best do it with someone I know and really care about. I also wanted to know what cigarettes tasted like, so I tried that. I didn't feel the nicotene or even like the taste enough to build up an addiction, so I decided that smoking more than maybe one cigarette every two months wasn't really up my ally. I do like the taste of menthol, though. The pack is gathering dust in my dresser drawer. Tried pot for a few months. Just had to know what it was like. REALLY loved the flavor of pot! Decided it was not worth getting arrested for or any of the other rediculous sanctions the law mets out for pot. Never busted. Haven't touched it for years. Alcohol is stronger and legal. Still, the bottles in the cupboard are dusty. I forget they are there. Got a nose ring and tongue ring, which I love! Kept those. Took out the belly button one because it wouldn't heal right. I guess I did go crazy for a time with all of that, but I learned about myself and what I really wanted and needed ON MY OWN TERMS. How many JW's just don't know themselves? It's sad. I am so happy now that I am free to get to know me. The journey is long and fun!
overcompensating when leaving JWs?
by B_Deserter inever notice this phenomenon?
seems like a lot of people that leave in their early 20s tend to become wild party animals as soon as they leave da troof, getting tattoos, piercings and the like and going almost overboard with it.
anyone ever experience this?
White Dove
I've always been a tightly coiled spring when I was inside. Once I got out, I sprung. That's it. Being so compressed/oppressed for so long and then suddenly becoming free can make a person feel like they won the lottery. They go crazy for a time then usually settle down after the newness wears off, if they didn't go too far off the deep end and begin an addiction.
I Love all the Simpsons Avatars!
by still_in74 ini have to admit, before i had my own i was jealous of everyone elses so i jumped on the wagon.. i am making them of all my friends and i love getting a glimpse of what ppl look like simpsonized.
its actually surprising how close you can get a character to look like someone!.
if you havent got one yet go to
White Dove
Goddess dammit! What is a URL? I'm trying to avatar here!
German KM 09/07 Translated! Watchtower cracks down on study groups.
by drew sagan inhere is the best that i could do, but i think it gets the main points of the articles across.
i wouldn't bet my life on this translation, but i think it is good enough for our purposes.
question box.
White Dove
Give me a bookbag Thanx.
I don't remember the Bible ever saying that the F&DS had any authority to ban God's domestics from reading and researching its counsel. The only job the FDS was given was to give out info at certain times. That's all! FDS is behaving like a task master. Oh, and btw, there is no real FDS, but you already knew that. Imposters!
I'm mad as hell (New Here)
by Miss Bliss ini'm brand spanking new to this forum.... my story is a long one that i will save for rainy day....however i will say i have been out for a long time 10+ years and when i left i really left.
i walked away at 20 (in my heart i was mentally gone at 17) and never really looked back much.
i was raised jw my father was an elder my mother an off and on pioneer (my father is no longer except he goes to the memorials, poor bastard and again thats another long story) i was not shunned by my parents both of whom were still very much in although my father left shortly after me and i would like to think that my bravery and courage allowed him to do the same.
White Dove
Welcome, Miss Bliss! Isn't it interesting that the truly Christ-like people in the org. have left and come here? A lot have, anyway. The unChrist-like people tend to stay in. I have found the pagans on this site are much more Christlike than the JW's still going to the meeitngs. I have recently given up X-ianity (my friend spells it like that. Cute!) because it didn't fit well with my beliefs. Still figuring things out. I'm checking out reincarnation right now.
Cheers, Chenoa
I had a super-natural experience
by Blackboo ini know some might not believe but i had this experience about 5 years ago.
i was laying in the bed..and wide-awake..all of a sudden i literally saw a white-hand...that seem like a spirit..and it lifted me up in the air....and i actually felt my body coming back down to the bed..i was not dreaming at all..because i was aware of the things around the room..i wasnt scared but in awe of what happen.
the hand was so real looking and i was staring at it..there was no happen so fast..but i remember everything from the evil laugh afterwards too..that one blew me away.
White Dove
Oh! Sleep paralysis? Had that since I was about six. Most scariest thing I ever experienced. I ran crying to my parents about demons in the middle of the night. I was awake but my body was asleep and I did halucinate and couldn't move even my tongue to cry out for help. My dad has the same thing. It can give a person the feeling that they are dying. But really, we wouldn't know what dying is like unless it's a near-death experience. Never had one of those.
As a Newbie.. I have a ?
by BuzbyU insince i am new here..
i was wondering, is everyone here a df, dis-associated, fallen away?
or are there also "real" witnesses here?
White Dove
I would have to say that "fallen away" is not exactly right. Those who don't go to meetings anymore have "walked away." I like that better because it negates any perceived weakness on the part of the person. It's not weakness, it is that the person is less and less under the influence of the WTS's addictive drugs and can finally begin to think straight and for him/her self.
As a Newbie.. I have a ?
by BuzbyU insince i am new here..
i was wondering, is everyone here a df, dis-associated, fallen away?
or are there also "real" witnesses here?
White Dove
I've been successfully fading since October 2005. Did you notice that there are three double letters in the word "successfully?"
GREAT RollerNews!
by RollerDave inhey everybody!.
today i found out my credit card info had been stolen and thousands of dollars had been fraudulently charged, isn't that great!.
i am thrilled beyond measure, it's as if a great big weight has been lifted off my heart.. am i wigging you out a little?
White Dove
Sorry about what happened but glad it is getting taken care of. Armed and dangerous, how sexy! Hope you get the bad guy/gal.